Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Story Script: arca plena simiarum / A Box Full of Monkeys

Here is a quick story I wrote up. I haven't tested it yet, but I think it'll be okay at least as a reading. You could cut parts of it and use it as a story, but you might need to simplify the vocab depending on what's known and unknown. I designed it to target the first declension endings & some basic uses, but it also ends up dealing with numbers a little bit and imperatives. Here's the link to the Google Doc. A text of the story with English is under the cut.

Target Structures: endings of first declension nouns (so not really a good "structure" as such)
Additional vocab: Glossary provided on google doc.
Actor roles: at least two monkeys, UPS man, girls, athletes, teacher, restaurant owner

Additional roles: extra monkeys, extra athletes, extra girls

arca plena simiārum

puellae in villā sunt. UPS man ad ianuam puellārum venit. UPS man puellīs arcam magnam dat et discedit. subito ex arcā magnus numerus simiārum salit.
quinque ē simiīs in culinam currunt. simiae in refrigeratorem saliunt. simiae refrigeratorem rumpunt! puellae iratae simiās scopīs pulsant. “simiae! discedite!”
simiae inquiunt, “dāte nōbīs arienās!” puellae simiīs arienās dant. omnēs simiae arienās puellārum capiunt et ē villā discedunt.
sed nunc decem simiae in viā sunt! multae raedae in viā sunt. simiae in raedās saliunt et fenestrās rumpunt! athlētae in viā currunt. athlētae iratī sunt. “simiae! discedite!”
simiae inquiunt, “dāte nōbīs arienās!” athlētae simiīs arienās dat. simiae arienās athlētārum capiunt et discedunt.
quinque ē simiīs in scholam currunt. in scholā simiae sellās et mensās rumpunt. magistra irata inquit, “simiae! discedite!” et simiās sellā pulsat.
simiae inquiunt, “dā nōbīs arienās!” magistra simiīs arienās dat. simiae arienās magistrae capiunt et ē scholā discedunt.
decem ē simiīs in tabernam currunt. quid in tabernā faciunt simiae?! simiae cenās consumunt et dominae tabernae pecuniās dant. domina tabernae inquit “gratiās, simiae! valete!” et simiae domum currunt et dormiunt.

The girls are in the house. The UPS man comes to the girls' door. The UPS man gives the girls a big box and leaves. Suddenly, a large number of monkeys jump out of the box!
Five of the monkeys run into the kitchen. The monkeys jump onto the refrigerator. The monkeys break the refrigerator! The angry girls hit the monkeys with brooms. "Monkeys! Leave!"
The monkeys say, "Give us bananas!" The girls give the monkeys bananas. All the monkeys take the girls' bananas and leave the house.
But now ten monkeys are in the road! Many cars are in the road. The monkeys jump onto the cars and break the windows! Athletes are running in the street. The athletes are angry. "Monkeys! Leave!"
The monkeys say, "Give us bananas!" The athletes give the monkeys bananas. The monkeys take the athletes' bananas and leave.
Five of the monkeys run into a school. In the school the monkeys break chairs and desks. An angry teacher says, "Monkeys! Leave!" and hits the monkeys with a chair.
The monkeys say, "Give us bananas!" The teacher gives the monkeys bananas. The monkeys take the teacher's bananas and leave.
Ten of the monkeys run into a restaurant. What do the monkeys do in the restaurant?! They eat dinner and give the restaurant's owner money. The restaurant's owner says, "Thanks, monkeys! Goodbye!" and the monkeys run home and sleep.

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