Saturday, November 21, 2015

Story Script - Real friends help you...

I made this story as a dictation, but I suppose you could do it as a storyask too. This is a story that was really highly personalized to my students. The original had a student giving me a donut, because on the previous Friday I'd been all about donuts. There's a lake right behind our school. It's also a very small town, so they all know the police officer I put in the story. It may or may not work for you, but perhaps it'll give you some ideas. Replace JB with whatever celebrity your kids find irritating.

Target Structures: comes, gives, likes, brings
You could easily make this more about moods, too.
Additional vocab: kills, captures
Actor roles: two students, police officer
Additional roles: up to 4 more students

[Teacher] ad [local high school] venit.
[Teacher] est tristis.
Student1 [something teacher likes] fert.
Student1 ei [something teacher likes] dat.
[Teacher] laeta est, quod [something teacher likes] ei placet.
Student2 ad [local high school] Justinum Bieberum fert.
Student3 iratus est, quod Justinus Bieber ei non placet.
Student4 Justinum necat.
Student5 Justinum ad [Local Lake] fert.
Officer [local police officer] ad [Local Lake] venit et Student5 capit.
Student6 ei Bail Money dat.

[Teacher] comes to [local high school].
[Teacher] is sad.
Student1 brings a [something teacher likes].
Student1 gives her/him the [something teacher likes].
[Teacher] is happy, because s/he likes [something teacher likes].
Student2 brings Justin Bieber to [local high school].
Student3 is angry, because s/he doesn't like JB.
Student4 kills JB.
Student5 brings JB to [Local Lake].
Officer [local police officer] comes to [Local Lake] and captures Student5.
Student6 gives him Bail Money.

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